Health, Home Safety and Medical Alert Articles

Our Emergency Response Systems can help address a number of home health, safety and well-being concerns. Select an article to read from the menu to the left.


Most of us are aware that heart disease is the number one killer of American seniors. Every year nearly a million people experience a heart attack. Heart attacks account for a significant number of sudden deaths. Permanent and irreversible damage to the heart muscle often occurs if medical help is not received promptly.

Some heart attacks are much like they are depicted on TV dramas - striking with little warning at lightning speed with intense, debilitating pain. When that occurs, there’s little doubt about what’s happening. Most heart attacks, however, start slowly with subtle symptoms accompanied by mild pain or discomfort. Unfortunately, it is very common for people to ignore heart attack symptoms and that can be deadly. Often people are not sure what’s happening and wait too long before summoning help. A couple of minutes can make the difference between life and death.

Although sometimes there are clear warning signs, often those signs are subtle, confusing and easy to ignore. This is especially true for women. Learn to listen to what your body is telling you. If you have the feeling that something is not right, pay attention.

What are the warning signs of a heart attack? Medical experts say your body will likely send signals that you should not ignore. It may be only one warning sign, however, it’s common to experience several of these warning signals.

Sophisticated technology from New England Emergency Response can ensure that no matter what your medical emergency needs may be, you’ll get the help you need at the push of a button. And that’s peace of mind for both you and your family.

Signs of a Heart Attack

Not all of these signs occur in every heart attack. Sometimes they go away and return. If any of these warning signs appear, especially in combination, get emergency medical help immediately!